
Willow Spring term

Posted: Mar 19, 2024 by: Debbie Bagwell (dbagwell) on: Willow Class

Willow class have been very, very busy over the spring term. Just read on to find out what we’ve been doing.

In RE this term, we have been learning about Christianity, during these lessons pupils have been encouraged to look at photographs of churches, explore artefacts and listen to stories. In one lesson, we also baptised a doll, which the students named “Ann”. What an enjoyable time they had, role playing the baptism, all watching the process and eagerly awaiting their turn.


Our focus on maths this term, has been 2d shapes, time we have been learning about them by engaging in a range of activities, for example, shape songs, shape sorting, puzzles, finding shapes in the sands, drawing around shapes or going free style. In time we have been sequencing the days of the week by using symbols. 


In literacy this term, we have been exploring a spring verse and after listening to it a few times, were able to indicate what came next.  We were also really good at finding the correct image or word linked to the verse.  We are currently exploring the book ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ and we are becoming experts at using our skills to predict what came next in the story by using signing or pictures.


In geography, we have been learning about Egypt and the Pyramids, which also had an historical element too.  We investigated how Egyptian people built the pyramids by watching short films, it looked like extremely hard work. Our pyramids were much simpler to make, because we used triangular paper, PVA and sand, we made them to embellish our unique background scene on our display board.  We had a go at making 3D pyramids by using the ‘build a den’ resources to make our models, it was quite tricky and needed lots of concentration.


In DT we also made moving pictures by creating a desert scene and moving camel, many of the pupils demonstrated lots of curiosity, using both hands to move the camel forwards and backwards across the picture. 


Our geographical experiences didn’t stop there because we are ‘Junior explorers’ of our amazing world and we used are knowledge to orienteer the school.  This was fun, we explored school by looking at all the different rooms/classrooms; we even had a treasure hunt activity.  For this we were given clues on the doors, and we had to show the staff where to go next, we were blown away by the skills and memories of the pupils.  They had great fun!

We hope you have a lovely Easter break.

Willow Class


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