
Welcome from Class 1

Posted: Oct 18, 2019 by: Sian Peel (speel) on: Welcome back

Firstly we would like to welcome back to school, all the children in Class 1, along with new pupils and a new member of staff.  This term our topic is 'Music Moasic', and we have been listening to a variety of music, from 'Classical' to 'Rock and Roll'.  We have discovered we can move our bodies to the beat.  As a class we have listened to lots of sensory stories and rhymes, our favourites being 'Dear Zoo' and 'Hickory Dickory Dock'.  We particularly enjoyed listening to the animal sounds and bell chimes.  Sensory and messy play has also proven to be popular, exploring a variety of different textures and smells.  'We are all Artists' in Class 1.  We have created our own picture frames and look forward to our work being displayed.  The winner of a new resource is ....... 'a giant cardboard box'.  All the children have loved exploring the twinkling lights and material. 

We are looking forward to next term to find out what more we can learn and discover.



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