Pupil performance information

You can click here to visit the Department for Education's  website to find the school's performance tables and related information. 

Statutory pupil performance information is shared with parents and with government officials in line with reporting requirements.


Pupil progress towards EHCP outcomes

The school continues to measure pupil progress against those short term targets agreed at the annual review in working towards the outcomes contained within each individual's Education Health and Care Plan.

On a termly basis, pupils progress towards these short term targets is formally captured. 

The following data summarises pupil progress towards these targets at the end of their EHCP review cycle in 2022-23. This information is analysed to identify attainment by pupil group and used to inform our ongoing assessment for learning, whole school self-evaluation and school improvement planning. 

In summary, analysis for data 2022-23 shows that the majority of targets are now within the mastered category, with an increase in skills mastered moving from 41.4% in 2020-21, to 43.4% last year to 51.8% this year. There is a continued trend in the decrease in the number of targets remaining at ‘Encountered’ overall – from 12% in 2020-21, to 4.7% last year to 1.6% this year.  

Pupil Progress: Our use of Standardised Assessment

The school uses PIVATS to track the individual progress of learners on our 'emerging' and 'developing' pathways using a standardised measure. 

Twice yearly pupil progress meetings held between senior leaders and class teachers help to track pupil progress across areas of learning to include Numeracy, Literacy and Personal, Social and Emotional development. 

This information is analysed to identify attainment by pupil group and used to inform our ongoing assessment for learning, whole school self-evaluation and school improvement planning. 

In summary, analysis for data 2022-23 shows that there has been a significant increase in the average overall points gain, from 12.82 to 15.43.

Our use of The Engagement Model

"The engagement model is an assessment tool that helps schools meet their duties in supporting pupils who are working below the level of the national curriculum and who are not engaged in subject-specific study." The Engagement Model, DfE July 2020

Click here to view the statutory guidance. 

The progress of learners accessing our 'sensory' pathway is supported by our regular use of the Engagement Model to inform assessment for learning. Observations are stored digitally using the Evidence for Learning app and used as a basis for discussion between class teachers and senior leaders at pupil progess meetings.