Beech Class


Sian Peel (speel) on: Beech Class

We’ve had a busy term in Beech Class, we have been junior explorers, exploring the jungle and the rainforest. We have created paper plate animals for our display and played many jungle themed games working on our speaking and listening.

We also learnt about length and bigger and smaller in math’s and loved playing in the snow.

We will be exploring under the sea next half term, so keep your eyes peeled for our next blog!


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Welcome back!

Sian Peel (speel) on: Beech Class

What a busy half term we have had in Beech class. We have been adjusting to new pupils and new staff and have all been amazing!

We have been practicing our Key Maths and Literacy skills, and have seen lots of super counting, as well as some super fingers working hard to develop fine motor skills whilst playing with play dough.

Our topic this term is 'Music Around the World' and we have all engaged well listening to a variety of different styles of music. We have also had music sessions with Anni and all explored the different instruments well. As part of the topic, we are also looking at Pop Art and have begun to create our own Pop Art pictures using black and white photographs of ourselves and brightly coloured back grounds. Watch this space for the final products, we can't wait to see what they look like!

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Sian Peel (speel) on: Beech Class

In Beech we have been learning all about 'Habitats' and what this means. We look at different landscapes from deserts, mountains, forests, and oceans. We found out that the arctic is counted as a desert even though it is very cold. We learnt about what type of animals would be found in each habitat.

We did some paintings of the different landscapes to go on our display board.

We have been doing 'Bike-ability' where we have been learning how to stay safe on our bikes and got to try lots of different types of pedal power. He learned that it’s important to wear a helmet and it was very tiring doing so many laps of the playground.

We continued our learning about different faiths following up on British values we have learnt about different faiths including Islam. We learnt about the 5 Pillars of Islam and what this represented to their faith. We tried on items and had a go at using a prayer mat. We watched a video on the celebration of Eid al adha and had a celebration in class.

Some of the class have started a yoga programme. They go into the hall and work with an instructor. It was very relaxing and we enjoyed doing the different activities.

One of the main activities is producing our part of the school performance. We had to learn the story and the songs, create all our own props and costumes, then rehearse the parts. We enjoyed putting on the show for parents and had a great time dressing up.


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Sian Peel (speel) on: Beech Class

In Beech we have been learning all about Habitats and what this means. We looked at different landscapes from desert, mountains, forest, and oceans. We found out that the arctic is counted as a desert even though it is very cold. We learnt about what type of animals would be found in each habitat.

We did some paintings of the different landscapes to go on our display board.

We have been doing Bike-ability where we have been learning how to stay safe on our bikes and got to try lots of different types of pedal power. He learned that it’s important to wear a helmet and it was very tiring doing so many laps of the playground.

In following up on British values we have learnt about different faiths in the world. This time our focus was Sikhism. We learnt about the 5 Ks (Kesh, Kangha, Kara, Kirpan and Kachera) and what this represented to their faith. We tried on items and had ago at Sanskrit trying to learn to write our name.

We also got to watch a production of The Secret Garden by an outdoor theatre company. It gave us many ideas for our own production which we are performing next term. We have started making different props and practicing our lines so it can be as good as the one we watched.

At the end of the half term, we had pupil voice day, all the activities were chosen by the school council. We had dancing from Bollywood to waltzing.



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Spring Term

Sian Peel (speel) on: Beech Class

This term we have been listening to different genres of music and choosing the ones we like best. We have used musical instruments to play along with our choices.

In Art we have been looking at animation and how Mickey Mouse was created. We have made our own pictures of Mickey and have looked at movement before creating a flip book of stick man.

In RE we have been exploring Christianity and how Christians worship. We have looked at different churches and the areas within them.

In English we have been reading a story called 'A Huge Bag of Worries'. We enjoyed having a go at playing different characters in the story.


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Class 3


Sian Peel (speel) on: Class 3

Class 3 have been very busy this term.  We have been enjoying our new topic in History, learning about a selection of classical musical composers and associated music from around the world.  As a class we have listened and made choices of our favourite piece.

We have also been very lucky to have South Ribble dance coach in on a weekly basis for the last 6 wks.  She has led sessions to music accompanied with ribbons, streamers and pom poms!  We have all had a very enjoyable time!

As a class we would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

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Class 3

Welcome back

Steph Wilde (swilde) on: Class 3

Welcome back, in Class 3 we have new staff to join the team; Zelda, Sian, Sharron and Lisa.  We have an exciting new term ahead with our topic 'Music Moasic'.  As a group we have been listening to a variety of music by artists Elvis Presley, The Beatles and David Bowie.  A firm favourite being 'Yellow Submarine', instruments were chosen and as the music played, the group listened to the beat and played along.  We have all become friends in Class 3 and enjoy spending time together both in the classroom and outside.


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