
Friends and Family

Posted: Mar 7, 2022 by: Sian Peel (speel) on: Acorn Class

Acorn Class have been doing some amazing work so far this term. We have created some fantastic portrait pictures and displayed them on our wall. The children have all loved our weekly Powerpoint of ‘Through the Keyhole’ – we have seen brilliant reactions from all the children when they have recognised photos of their house or members of their family on the big screen. They have also enjoyed looking at each other’s pictures and have learned to recognise people and places related to their friends.

We have recently started a new sensory story; Julia Donaldson’s, ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’. We have a little cardboard house and we enjoy squashing the animals into the house and also using the BIGmack to repeat the main phrase from the story- ‘my house is a squash and a squeeze’ and we all have a big squeeze at the same time!

In the coming weeks we will also be exploring growth in plants so we will be planting and growing seeds, then hoping to seeing the results before the Easter holidays. It has been so lovely to have some sunnier weather too, this will help our seeds to grow but also lets us enjoy more playtime outdoors.




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