Healthy Heroes
Posted: May 11, 2022 by: Debbie Bagwell (speel) on: Willow Class
What a wonderful term we are having! On warm, sunny days we are spending time learning outdoors and so we are busy making our lovely outdoor area into an extra special place to be by making mobiles and interesting yarn art. To do this we have used sticks, twigs, wool, threads, ribbons, strings and bows. You can only imagine the fine old tangles we have got ourselves into while exploring and creating with these materials! In the next week or so our fine artwork will be ready for hanging outside. Do come and have a look at it if you are visiting school at all.
We are also being ‘healthy heroes’ in line with our whole school theme and the children are enjoying getting active in our ‘I like to move it’ workout to very energetic music! We stretch balloons, squeeze dough as hard as we can, dance our fingers, roll balls and much, much more. We all need a rest afterwards!
We are looking forward to taking part in some exciting events to celebrate the Queen’s platinum jubilee. We will be making crowns to wear for a tea party and we think we can make some celebratory bunting too.