
Autumn Trail

Posted: Nov 5, 2020 by: Sian Peel (speel) on: Maple Class

Class 6 have a busy half term. We have been learning about Spain as our Modern Foreign Language subject. We have learned some words and phrases, made sugar skulls, listened to Spanish music, cooked a Spanish omelette and Paella and have learned a Spanish song called “Hola”

In Numeracy we have been using rulers and large and small building blocks to measure our height and some items in the classroom.

We also went on an Autumn trail where we looked for red, yellow and brown leaves that had fallen from the trees as well as berries, apples, conkers and acorns. We used some of the things we found to produce some artwork, of small animals, when we got back to class and have them on display in the classroom.

As you can see we have had a very full and fun half term and are looking forward to more activities over the next seven weeks.



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