
Welcome back

Posted: Oct 18, 2021 by: Sian Peel (speel) on: Maple Class

Maple class are really happy to welcome all our pupils back to school after the summer holidays. We have three new pupils in class who have settled well and have adapted to the changes in routine.

We would like to welcome our new teacher Claire to Maple who is covering Steph’s maternity leave. Steph is now 'relaxing' at home with her baby son and we wish her all the best. Claire was a former TA here at the Coppice so many of you will know her or will have seen her around school, we all wish her well in her new role.

The topic for this term is Space - rockets, forces and aliens. We have already started working hard on it. We have learned some facts about the planets, had a planet hunt in the playground and made alien slime and astronauts. Our Music and Movement session also features a variety of different songs and resources all about space.

Some children have begun learning new life skills. They make their own toast at tuck time, which they butter and cut up themselves. Afterwards they wash, dry and put away their pots and cutlery. We will be practising our cookery skills such as peeling, chopping and grating over the next half term. 

As you can see we are going to be very busy and working hard. We look forward to showing you our progress in future blogs.



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