
Busy in Oak Class

Posted: Mar 14, 2022 by: Sian Peel (speel) on: Oak Class

In this half term the class are learning about Careers. They are gathering evidence of the different roles people have both at the Coppice School and in the wider community. Students went out in the community and met different people carrying out the tasks within their given roles. In class we named as many jobs as possible and identified the ones we would like to possibly do in the future. One pupil has said he would like to manage PNE.

In RE we are learning about Christianity and linking this to how we grow. We asked parents to send in baby pictures and learnt about baptism. We had great fun guessing whose baby picture was whose and have enjoyed seeing how the students have grown over the years.

In Science Week we planted seeds and learnt how they grow, we talked about what they needed to flourish and about the different parts of the plants.

As we discussed growth, we learnt about measuring our bodies and understanding ratios. We learnt our height is the same as our arm span. We measured it to see if this was true, and yes it is! We were amazed by all the ratios of the Vitruvian man.

In cooking we have continued to practice our skills, making a variety of tasty foods. We have tried pancakes and had lots of fun when everyone had a go at tossing them. We still had enough to eat at the end of it (just).

One group has continued to access Runshaw College and has tried lots of different activities from cooking pasta to baking cakes.



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